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Youth Practitioner

Youth Practitioner from 17 years





Start at 14:00 Clock

- End on the last day at 21:30 Clock


€ 530,- (incl. VAT)

The Youth Practitioner teaches the basic theories and tools of the Kutschera Resonance® Method.


You can end...


  • your talents & abilities and new possibilities to live them
  • your personal and professional goals
  • new possibilities to solve blockades and conflicts
  • how to strengthen your relationships and self-confidence
  • Mental training like in top-class sports.


Every year a new entry is possible!


The contents are worked out together in small groups, outdoor activities and large groups. It is also possible to discuss and work on personal topics directly with the trainers.


This 5 day seminar is Part of the Kutschera-Resonance® Practitioner and Coaching training. You can book this seminar individually or see it as part of a training. If you like it, you can complete the Kutschera-Resonance® Practitioner after 5 successfully attended seminars and receive a certificate. This will enable you to further participate in the Kutschera-Resonance® Coach, Kutschera-Resonance® Trainer and in further life & social counseling, mediation and the like.



Procedure & Organization

The Kutschera-Resonance® Youth Practitioner consists of 5 modules and can be completed in 5 consecutive years.

  • 5 modules à 5 days


Module times

  • Mon 14:00 - 21:30
  • Tue 09:00 - 21:30
  • Wed 09:00 - 21:30
  • Thu 09:00 - 21:30
  • Fri 09:00 - 14:00


Prices are excl. accommodation & meals
Please book your room directly at the seminar house (please also indicate allergies and intolerances there).

Organized by


The registration for this event takes place directly via the Institut Kutschera. By clicking on the button you will be redirected to the registration page of the Institut Kutschera.

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