– 13.09.2025
Start at 14:00 Clock
- End on the last day at 15:00 Clock
€ 390,- (incl. VAT)
+ reconcile with old hurts
+ new family target images to find
+ what it's like to feel free and safe
+ to be in resonance with you and your family
+ redefine the five roles
+ For all those who want to recognize and reconcile disturbing, recurring behavioral and structural patterns of their existing and/or family of origin.
+ For all coaches, therapists, life & social counselors, mediators, supervisors who want to expand their knowledge of systemic family constellations with the Kutschera Resonance® method.
Seminar times
Thu 14:00 - 21:30
Fri 09:00 - 21:30
Sat 09:00 - 15:00
Waas.sche factory
Winkeler Str. 100b
| Hesse
The registration for this event takes place directly via the Institut Kutschera. By clicking on the button you will be redirected to the registration page of the Institut Kutschera.