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"Blue and yellow are green to each other"

Even before there is external conflict and strife, it begins within a person. It's called "peace begins within you" and often it's small everyday challenges that keep us from peace....


like Margit....


Margit had had a really busy week at the store and she was so happy that this morning, when the kids are out of the house, she finally has some time to herself... to recharge, read, rest....


Sure, briefly do the household and then, off into the garden on the deck chair.


The door slams shut, the kids take the bus to school...just before that, quickly check the windows in the kids' room, do the dishes, put on the laundry, ...


Margit enters her daughter's room and her gaze falls directly on the desk, "Oh no, this can't be happening" she says to herself. The watercolor box and drawing pad are lying there, and Hannah has art today. There is a tidy line for forgotten materials.


And Hannah was already so sure of her (only) 1 in art, the ordinal stroke would become a 2 and Hannah quite dejected.


"Great" Margit immediately felt a rumbling in her stomach and it was as if she was torn back and forth inside.... Hannah bring the things, after all, she should also learn responsibility and she can not always carry everything behind her and keep her or rest .... "Och nö"... "Has she just no 1, what the heck"


While she was thinking about it, she sat down at her desk and saw the large white sheet in front of her. As if by magic, her hand reached for the brush, dipped it into the water and then into this wonderful blue ... a blue sky, completely free, completely wide, so calm, Margit breathed in deeply ...


How beautiful the sky is, how beautiful the blue...

Maybe still a little yellow...


And a wonderful sun emerged... so warm, so yellow, full of vitality, radiant, ...


Then suddenly something strange happened... The water for cleaning the brush had turned green and the two colors in the box started talking....


The blue said it was so nice to feel this calm and be so clear and wide.


The yellow replied to be so bright and warm and full of joy.


Margit sighed, she would like to spend this day full of joy and peace...but how?


If only both went... and however that was going on now..., she now drew a blue and a yellow line on the lower part of the leaf... because the paint was still wet, the two flowed into each other...and... the blue and yellow... became green... several shades of green even....


From these shades of green a meadow was created, with grasses and leaves, flower stems, yellow and blue flowers... and then the other colors became curious and red and orange, purple,... were added... a beautiful flower meadow was created....


Margit noticed how joy and at the same time peace spread through her, a warm and calm felt...yes, peaceful....



When clients or coachees come to Counceling and Coaching with inner conflicts, we use in the Kutschera Resonance ® method the intervention of negotiation reframing, comparable to the structures of the Harvard concept, as a model for mediation.


So often we are torn between our own needs and those of others, between work and leisure, between control and letting be, .... It seems like all of life is a balancing of different parts .... Conscious and unconscious, heart and mind, so many different polarities that sometimes argue inside or outside, fight battles and at the same time long for balance and peace.


The inner, contending parts are named and considered. Each individual is appreciated for his positive intentions, because each part, even if it may seem otherwise at first glance, is a valuable and important contribution to the whole and thus to inner peace.


And the two parts are allowed to learn from each other, to make common cause, to bring together their individual, positive intentions and values, and thus allow something entirely new to emerge.


As a result, where previously the discord was noticeable, new, positive submodalities and feelings arise, which are integrated again in a completely associated way and thus new thoughts, beliefs, strategies and behaviors are possible.


And how do you think it went with Margit?


She grabbed her car keys and drove to the elementary school, complete with water jug and notepad.

Many a time she had forgotten something herself and would have been really happy if someone had supported her...


From a distance she saw Hannah, in tears, in the schoolyard. Margit went over and sat down with her. Then Hannah noticed her mother, began to smile and looked at her mom. "Oh Mama.... "she sighed. Margit's heart warmed much love, sunshine and peace... the two hugged each other tightly. "Daaankeee..."


Hannah then skipped off singing to art class, which was about to begin, and Margit headed back home...happy and grateful for her life and all the gifts she was privileged to experience daily.


Arrived home, she left the dishes in the sink, the laundry in the basket and sat down with a book in the garden.... For dinner today there was a pizza delivered .....


If there is peace within you, then that is also your contribution to peace in the world.


Claudia Lichtenberg, born 1969,

Teaching trainer and teaching coach Institut Kutschera Resonanz GmbH

 Health, children-youth, system coach, life and social consultant, lecturer Steinbeis Academy

Published by Claudia Lichtenberg

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